@import url('http:// I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch: 12 Weeks of Bar Review....Joy to the World!!!!
I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch
I took the Bar Exam more than once, several times actually, and lived to tell the tale....retakers take heart...the bar is a bitch...but not impossible...
Monday, November 27, 2006
12 Weeks of Bar Review....Joy to the World!!!!
I hope you actually enjoyed some turkey people!!!! and here we are again!!!!!...the 12 week countdown.....I've done it so many times now it's not even a cause for alarm anymore...and since Christmas is coming, you know I can't help myself, I have to draw the cheesy parallel...the 12 days of Christmas....and the 12 Weeks of Bar Review....and a partridge in a pear tree, (or is that oh poor me? :) )

Nah....you know what I'm doing is ruthlessly memorizing everything I can get my grubby little paws on this time (a la flash cards and my dry erase board).....and I'm knocking down a sick number of MBE's every day and then dissecting them....what could be a better way to move into the approaching season of cheer? Hah!

You know as soon as I get this NC license I'm just going to turn around, sit for VA and leave this grand old state forever? You heard it here first people..... but I swear....it has really become a point of honor now.....this thing is just not going to whip my ass....
posted by Bar Bitch @ 1:05 PM  
  • At 5:41 PM, November 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just got the results of my MBE score recount. Boo. no scoring mistakes. the computer did not lie. i missed it by 1/2point again. VT Bar gets $240 more out of me and i get 3 more months of studying. yay. hold onto your seats people, we are going to Rock The Bar this time around.

  • At 6:49 PM, November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I feel your pain. I failed NJ by less than 1 point. But hey, at least we were close. Just means we'll rock it next time.

  • At 7:20 PM, November 28, 2006, Blogger legis said…

    Good heavens, you are right. Well, that should be enough time to study for this bastard and pass. I've reviewed my scores and was surprised by how relatively well I did last time, considering I didn't take a full review course or attend any lectures (although I did listen to a couple portions of lectures). I've only spent enough money to get Micromash (I've now done all the PMBR questions and am reluctant to rely on them after this judgment against them - NCBEX has probably completely changed their questions around), am using my Barbri state materials that I haven't given nearly as much attention to as I should have, and hired a cheap essay tutor. I skimped a little this time becuase a) these bar reviews have taken enough of my money and b) I've realized where my problems lie and they do not lie in "not enough lectures". I may blog about this further at some point soon. Hang in there... we can do it!

  • At 12:11 PM, November 29, 2006, Blogger Bar Bitch said…


    You are all over that MBE woman...every day...that is the way to beat it down!!!!!

  • At 12:17 PM, November 29, 2006, Blogger Bar Bitch said…


    I lost your blog for the longest time (the old link didn't seem to work)...just found it again...really hope people here pick up on it b/c it kicks ass....but I really like what you write about re-studying from the ground up and not taking short cuts...

    In the long run...I don't want to pass by a point or two...I'd rather have a comfortable margin...

    And Micromash will do wonders for you on the MBE...work with it every day...and use those wrong answers!!!

    And yeah!!!! I want every retaker on this blog with a passing letter this test!!!!

  • At 2:23 PM, November 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I work full time. Just wondering how many hours people are spending studying per week? The first time I took the bar I went to the lectures and did not work. I missed it by 14 points. The second time I worked and read on my own and did not take any time off and missed it by 6 points.
    I can't quit my job because I don't have enough money. I wake up and read in the morning before work. I do questions in my lunch hour, but I am so exhausted by the time I get home that I have no time to do any more studying.
    Also, where can I look up if there were any changes or updates to the study materials? My books are almost 2 years old.

  • At 11:31 AM, November 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bar bitch, I commented a few weeks ago, I had passed the va bar this last time. If you really do want to take va next, let me know. I'll email you all my outlines, etc. Va is kinda messed up though, we're the most common law state in the country so they REALLY like latin! Let me know when you're up for it!

  • At 12:44 PM, November 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You might not be able to sit in VA, or at least you are going to have to explain it to the Bar Examiners, depending how many times you have failed the NC Bar....

    I wish you the best though!

    I passed VA in October on the first try, but I have some friends who did not and you can feel NOTHING but compassion for those that do not.

    I really think that there are 10% who know the passed, 10% that know they failed, and the other 80% of us could easily go either way.


  • At 7:32 PM, November 30, 2006, Blogger legis said…

    Thanks for the props on my blog! I do my best - us retakers need all the resources we can get.

  • At 5:39 PM, December 03, 2006, Blogger Bar Bitch said…

    To the full time guy....

    How many hours of studying is enough? Hmmm...I know I perpetually have to beat back the feeling "nothing is enough!!!!"

    I will tell you what I know...1)plenty of people pass the bar and work full time...I have a buddy who's in the military and did it nights....and after a deployment in Iraq....2) Those people are extremely meticulous and they plan their study time hard core...

    I dunno what state you're in...but the improvement you're making has to make you feel confident...you are right there....

    As far as updating old books...I've used a 2004 Micromash for MBE since I started all this, and my score is only getting higher there...

    I have no idea about updates for state-specific material...but my best guess would be that the state is not likely to test a brand new law....I have no authority to back that up...just my opinion

    Good luck!!!

  • At 5:43 PM, December 03, 2006, Blogger Bar Bitch said…

    Allison and Anon

    Thanks so much! You are awesome...I'd hate to pay for another bar review!

    And Anon...I didn't realize they'd care in VA once I passed in NC...I know in VA if you don't pass the first time, the bar actually sits down with you to discuss your weaknesses and advises on how to improve... how's that for fabulous?...I'll look into it...thanks!

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