@import url('http:// I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch: Conspiracy Anyone?
I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch
I took the Bar Exam more than once, several times actually, and lived to tell the tale....retakers take heart...the bar is a bitch...but not impossible...
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Conspiracy Anyone?
An ah ha moment! If you can believe it, the bar actually sat this guy across from me during the test....a patent attorney from DC who also has taken the NC bar three times and still not passed was on his left....I met the DC guy at my second test and we've been friends since.....I'm putting the link on for those of you who may be interested....do I buy into conspiracy theories? Not sure yet....but hell yeah I'm interested, this guy has a story that sounds exactly like mine..... www.statebarwatch.net
posted by Bar Bitch @ 9:34 AM  
  • At 2:57 PM, March 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, um I'm in the same boat...and can't find a legally related job --what are you doing for work?

  • At 9:50 PM, March 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This isn't really in response to this comment, but I find myself dealing with some weird social questions in response to my own bar exam failures.
    Before I failed the bar, I was one of those people that others had the burden of disproving whether they were right or wrong on a given subject. Now, I feel as if my credibility has been shot, and I can't tell if people have become more comfortable challenging me, now placing the burden on me, or I've simply become more defensive. This seems to be a real problem (perhaps just in my head), as it was a significant part of my personality before (perhaps this was a bad thing?).
    I don't think one realizes how much his/her ability to get things done rests on other's faith in them until something like this happens. Certainly, I didn't have all the answers before, but having others think that you do definitely gets you a lot of traction. Any thoughts? I know this seems rather heady.

  • At 10:34 AM, March 12, 2007, Blogger Bar Bitch said…

    What's the bitch doing for work? Pole Dancing.... :) Nah....Lucky for me, way before I ever took a bar exam, I found an atty to hire me...and he kept me on in spite of my repeated failures and has been the one screaming the loudest that there must be a rat in Denmark...(can't be me, must be them right?)

    sadly, you'll remember that he's also needed heart surgery...and my lack of ability to get the license means no one to fill in at the office in any real helpful capacity....so he's looking at retirement these days, which means my days there are numbered...sigh,I may never get over the guilt of it all, I tell you...

    For those of you w/o much legal experience (I mean really, what do we get out of law school?)...look into title companies, brokerage firms...state government positions / federal positions....that legal degree is good for something!!!...

    I'm actually thinking about a fun job while I entertain a new bar exam...couture gowns or something...

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