@import url('http:// I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch: Confucius and Dr. Suess Say....
I Passed....but The Bar Exam is Still a Bitch
I took the Bar Exam more than once, several times actually, and lived to tell the tale....retakers take heart...the bar is a bitch...but not impossible...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Confucius and Dr. Suess Say....
In case you haven't noticed....I am an eternal optimist.....no doubt it is the stuff that has carried me so far in life....and made it so I have not yet lost my mind over sitting for the bar.....yet again....of course by now I have come to realize that "this too shall pass"....and aren't are I damned lucky to even be able to sit for this bitch of a test in the fine state of North Carolina? Think how many people will never even get to try.....

One of the things that really gets me through is quotes.... I love them....and find them everywhere......movies, books, fortune cookies, even my baby girl's Dr. Suess..... I know you have them.....we all have them.... so fess up!!!!! I hope people will post some kick ass bar motivation for us all here.....

Some of my personal favorites.....

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall. (or fail....)
- Confucius

My downfall raises me to great heights.
- Napoleon Bonaparte

When we begin to take our failures non-seriously,
it means we are ceasing to be afraid of them.
It is of immense importance to learn to laugh
at ourselves.

- K. Mansfield

A lot of successful people are risk-takers.
Unless you're willing to do that--to have a go (or three or four)
fail miserably, and have another go, (or three or four)
Success won't happen.
- P. Adams

I highly suggest everyone go out and buy a copy of Dr. Suess' Oh, the Places You'll Go.....it was clearly written for anyone who is taking the bar exam....I came across it not long ago and it made me weep openly.....not that I want any of you weep openly....but it's beautiful stuff....and it's Suess....something we all need right now.....about moving mountains.....what could be more relevant?
posted by Bar Bitch @ 8:24 PM  
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